If you look real close at the wreath you can see the little pearls the stitcher used in the middle. The wreath also is worked with some metallic thread. Both these characteristics show that this sampler was stitched by nobility as metallics & pearls were way out of the means for most people at that time. Unfortunately, I took all my photos before my guided tour, therefore I did not focus on some of the things I learned during the tour. Thus the second sampler I only took a picture of the bottom portion, which attracted me in the first place.
On to the next room which had samplers from Northern Germany from Vierlanden. This one should be a familiar sight. Now this is definitely one sampler I want to stitch - Hamburg 1746, not only does it have Adam & Eve, it also has some beautiful over one stitching. See that little red lady & the flower right under her ( next to the ship) these are done over one and are absolutely gorgeous. I love the little landscape as well.
Now Adam & Eve are , of course, found on a great number of samplers. To me, they look like they are standing under a lemon tree, like here.
This little couple comes from this WIP. Again sorry for the lighting issues.
Here is what's happening in the lower right corner. I asked about this during my tour since I saw this motif repeated on a number of sampelers. It's Cain & Able, and to make sure we know Able is a goner, his hat is knocked off. I so prefer that than seeing him lie in a pool of his own blood...
Here is another version of Adam & Eve that I enjoyed seeing.
Doesn't Eve just look like she is a robot or is wearing a helmet. Adam just plain looks freaked out to me. I love how Eve is actually touching the forbidden fruit whereas Adam is aaaalmost touching it. Here is a picture of the entire sampler.
Ok, I did not say it was going to be good picture and it does not look like I actually got the ENTIRE sampler.... I am calling it quits for today - more pain meds and a nap for me.